ADHD Awareness Month: 9 Motivational ADHD Quotes to Keep Going!

Living with ADHD is complicated at the best of times. It can feel distressing to deal with; lack of concentration, fidgeting and forgetfulness may leave you wondering “why do I bother trying?”. So in light of ADHD Awareness Month, we’ve traversed the internet – from TikTok to Spotify – to find 9 motivational ADHD quotes that will give you the kick to keep going.

You’re great conversationalists!

Ever been stuck in a boring conversation? Well, that will never happen if you chat with someone who has ADHD. TikTok creator, Daniel Alexander, shared a video with all the reasons why he embraces ADHD. To quote:

 “The conversation is never dull – we always have something to talk about!”

One of the major symptoms of ADHD is struggling to organise thoughts in conversations, so you’ll be bouncing off one topic to the next almost seamlessly.

So if you need some motivation to feel better about your ADHD diagnosis, we highly recommend giving @impulse_boosted a follow! Be warned: it’s addictive.

You are imaginative and fun

If you’ve been diagnosed with ADHD, you probably have a bundle of energy and you’re a fun character to be around. You think differently to others, but that’s actually a good thing! It means you’re more dynamic and your ideas are out of the box.

Brittney Bush Bollay, who regularly shares her experience with ADHD on twitter, says:

“The thing about #ADHD is that it’s actually great. I love the way my brain works. I’m funny and flexible and creative and adventurous. My frustrations mostly stem from trying to force my ADHD brain to function in a non-ADHD world.”

Brittney makes it clear that it’s society’s exclusion that can make you feel like the black sheep; but this is what makes you stand out. Who wants to be like everyone else anyway? Give her a follow for more motivational ADHD quotes when you’re feeling blue!

You are a high achiever and super smart

Many people think that having ADHD means you’re not as intelligent as the rest of the class — wrong! It’s true that those with ADHD have learning difficulties, however that has no impact on your IQ levels.

A great account to follow is @theADHDacademic on twitter. One of their motivational ADHD quotes is:

“Having #ADHD does NOT mean you cannot graduate college, or excel and achieve any other benchmarks. ADHD does NOT equal failure, thank you very much. It makes achieving it much, much harder.”

So yes, you might have to work harder than others — especially if you have a memory of a goldfish — but you’ll still be successful!

You’re not alone and there’s nothing wrong with you

Sometimes having a disorder like ADHD can leave you feeling like an outsider. Trying to explain what it’s like to another person, and have them walk in your shoes for a day, is virtually impossible. 

Maroon 5 singer, Adam Levine, said in his interview with Attitude magazine:

“ADHD isn’t a bad thing, and you shouldn’t feel different from those without ADHD. Remember that you are not alone. There are others going through the same thing.”

It’s completely understandable to feel low sometimes. If you find it hard to sustain long-term relationships (whether platonic or romantic), get sick of people calling you “weird” and wish it was easier to finish your school work, you’re not alone. There will always be others ready to support you.

Singer and songwriter, Solange Knowles, has also spoken up about her experience with ADHD and how normal the symptoms are in Hollywood: 

“I was diagnosed with ADHD twice. The symptoms seem to apply to everyone around me in the industry. Loss of memory, starting something and not finishing it…”

Solange and Adam never let this stop them from becoming worldwide sensations! Remember that anyone who bullies you or makes you doubt yourself is the real loser — you’re pretty cool.

Taking medication is not taboo 

Many people with ADHD will be prescribed medication to help with symptoms, like hyperactivity or concentration; but there’s still a lot of taboo and stigma when it comes to neurodivergent medication.

In an interview with Jameela Jamil, comedian Celeste Barber explains why she’s grateful for medication that tackles her ADD:

“People think ADD is just being too loud or “nuts”. But that’s not what it is. It’s the inability to focus; it’s the inability to sit, pick up a pen and do your homework. My mum liked my personality and drama – I just had meds to make life easier”. 

Celeste goes on to say that medication helped her to stay on track and complete tasks more efficiently, “like unpacking the whole dishwasher instead of just the top drawer!”

You’re the perfect candidate for a job

Sometimes applying for jobs can be really difficult when you have ADHD. Employers worry about your capacity to work and keep up with daily tasks. The reality is quite the contrary!

If you ever needed a motivational ADHD quote to share in job interviews, steal this from Celeste and have it at the ready:

“With ADD you’re quite scattered, which isn’t always a bad thing — I can multi-task like a boss!” 

Suffice to say, you are the perfect candidate for any jobs that require fast results and quick thinking.

You are a creative genius

Did you know that the famous composer Mozart had ADHD? In fact, it’s pretty common for a lot of actors, singers and musicians — even scientists and mathematicians — to experience symptoms of ADHD. Perhaps there’s a link between creativeness and neurodivergence...

Artist and entrepreneur, Miriam Schulman, says:

“I love being different. ADHD is really like a superpower — whether you’re an artist or entrepreneur — our brains allowing our minds to wander is what helps us come up with these good ideas.”

If you’re looking for some female empowerment, you should listen to the podcast ADHD for Smart Ass Women hosted by lawyer Tracy Otsuka. In one of the episodes, Tracy shares a wonderful motivational ADHD quote with her audience:

“We have this ability to make connections — we’re just spontaneous, out of the box thinkers! And so the nature of our ADHD brains is what makes us creative; after all, it’s responsible for our imagination”.

Save, share and smile! 


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