A-level Results Day: Plan B?

If you sat your A-levels this summer, the wait is almost over - the 24 hours you’ve been dreaming of (and perchance slightly dreading) since day one of exams are looming. Soon enough, the agonising suspense will be no more and you’ll be finding out if those hours of study paid off. 

If all goes to plan, there’ll be tears of joy, euphoric WhatsApp messages exchanged and the sound of celebratory bottles being uncorked. But (and this is a big but) if this is not the picture your Results Day ends up adhering to, that’s ok!

When it comes to A-levels, it’s safe to say the pressure is on, and it’s all too easy to just miss out on the results - and subsequent university place - you were hoping for. So if you wake up to lower grades than you were expecting on Results Day, allow us to take you through the plan of action:

1. Take a moment

Receiving different results to those you were expecting can be confronting and any emotions you experience at this point are completely normal. Take a second to breathe, cry if you need to and gather your thoughts so you can emerge clear-minded and focused. Talking it out with a relative or a friend can be a much needed comfort if you’re feeling a little overwhelmed, so don’t bottle it up.

2. Consider your options.

As dejected as you might be feeling if you missed out on a place at your university of choice, it’s important to remember that all is not lost and you do have options. Several different paths are open to you. The route you decide to take depends on a number of factors from the grade improvement you’re looking for to flexibility levels regarding your chosen university course, so take your time thinking it all through - maybe have a pen and paper on hand to write out a list of pros and cons. 

When all is said and done, your options look like this:


It’s the contingency plan every student has heard of but hopes they never have to go through. In reality, however, the university clearing process really isn’t as scary as you might think. The trick is simply to come prepared. 

Clearing is what we at Tutor House like to nickname ‘The Great Reshuffle’. It essentially allows students who, for whatever reason, whether lower than expected grades or just a change of heart, have decided to pursue a different university course to the one they originally applied to, to make this happen. 

At first glance, the whole thing can seem a little raw; in stark contrast to the excessively involved UCAS application process, Clearing involves simply picking up the phone and having a chat with an admissions officer. So it pays to have already researched some alternative courses beforehand so you can confidently pitch your case as to why you’re the best candidate and tie down those offers as quickly as possible. Check out our blog on how to survive the Clearing process for a full breakdown of what to expect if this is the path you’ve chosen.


Though Clearing is a perfectly viable option for those who have their hearts set on attending university this year as planned, some students are less willing to compromise on the course of their dreams. If this applies to you, you might well choose to take a gap year in order to have another stab at being accepted onto your chosen course. Enter, Tutor House’s retake courses.

Tutor House offers courses specifically tailored to students who missed out on their required A-level grades and are looking to retake. We guarantee small class sizes (5 maximum) to ensure students receive the individual attention and focused training they need to ensure success the second time around. 

Our tutors are experts in their field with forensic knowledge of the A-level syllabus and a passion for helping students achieve the grades they deserve. Plus, we offer a variety of course structures for you to choose from so you can fit your study into any other plans you might have for your gap year, such as travel or work experience. Head over to our A-level retake page to find out more.


If you don’t feel you have received results that truly reflect your performance, you’re entitled to request that your exam paper or coursework be re-marked. Re-marks are arranged via your school or exam centre, so speak to your teacher about the logistics surrounding this option. Note that re-marks are not always possible - with multiple choice papers, for example - and that papers don’t tend to be marked from scratch; the process is simply a confirmation that the work has been marked in accordance with the mark scheme. 

If you’ve missed out on your desired grades by a couple of marks, a second round of marking could land you to the results you were originally hoping for. However, while it can seem like an attractive option in the heat of what can be an intensely emotional moment, it’s one we advise you to consider very carefully before taking. 

Re-marks are a risky move as your grade can go up as well as down, so if you’re thinking of taking your grievances up with the system, you’d better be 100% certain before you start filling out the paperwork.


If all these options are making your brain feel more than a little scrambled, the good news is that Tutor House is here to help. We’ve held students’ hands through many a tumultuous Results Day and will be available throughout the day to guide you through the array of possible next steps. Just give us a call on 020 3950 0320 and a member of our team will help you come to terms with your results and make the right decision for your future. 

So all that remains for us to do is to wish you a hearty good luck from the whole team here at Tutor House! We wish you the very best for Results Day and are here if you need us.


Everything You Need to Know About A-level Retakes


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